
一个惬意的下午 英语?


"A Cozy Afternoon"

On this tranquil afternoon,

With a gentle breeze and golden sun,

I find myself at peace,

In a world where worries are undone.

Sipping a warm cup of tea,

Or perhaps a soothing coffee brew,

I let the fl***ors dance upon my tongue,

As I embrace the moment, just me and you.

A book rests upon my lap,

Its pages filled with tales unknown,

I wander through enchanted words,

To lands where dreams are sown.

Birds chirp a sweet serenade,

Their melody floating in the air,

A symphony of nature's delight,

Creating a tranquil atmosphere.

The scent of blooming flowers,

Fills the air with fragrant bliss,

Their vibrant colors paint a scene,

A moment to cherish, pure and remiss.

In this cocoon of serenity,

Time slows down its pace,

As I bask in the joy of solitude,

A tranquil ***ile upon my face.

Oh, the pleasure of a cozy afternoon,

Where worries vanish in the gentle breeze,

A momentary escape from the world,

A h***en of tranquility and ease.

So let me linger in this





  1. I need to take my bathing suit.


  Bathing suit可不是浴袍,它就是指泳衣。大家常见的表示泳衣的词是swimming suit。也有人把泳衣说成 bath suit 或是 swim suit。

  2. I'm turning into a prune.


  大家应该都知道游泳有四式吧? 这四式的英文名字分别是 free style (自由泳), breast stroke (蛙泳),back stroke (仰泳) 和 butterfly (蝶泳)。

  3. If you h***e a boat in summer, you are the man.

  如果你夏天时能有艘船的话, 你就真正的男人!

  在美国大家都有车,谁也不稀罕谁,这时有船的人才是真正的老大。这句话如果搬到国内的话,我想说成 If you h***e a car, you are the man. 或者 If you h***e a house, you are the man会更适合一点。

  4. Mossy, mossy


  青苔的英文叫 moss,如果地上长满了青苔,就可以用形容词 mossy 来形容。譬如去河边玩水,河床上长满了滑滑的青苔,你就可以说 Mossy, mossy。

  打水漂我想很多人小时候都玩过吧,就是把一块扁平的石头平平的丢出去,让它在水面上弹跳,谁的石头跳的次数最多,谁就赢了。还记得在经典日剧《东京爱情故事》里,三上就是和永尾打水漂赢得和关口里美的交往机会的。“打水漂”在英文里就是 skip stone。还有另一种叫法是 skip water。
